Tuesday, January 11, 2011

And so I'm back

Was feeling hyper bored just now and decided to read Linn's blog, spent quite some time looking for it as I don't have the habit of saving websites T_T

And so I felt I've wasted a lot of time doing useless stuff such as PPS-ing and FB-ing, I do understand the importance of FB but still much time has been wasted refreshing my page so frequently yet doing nothing actually

Talking about trust and betrayal, I've tonnes of stories to tell, of course me being the protoganist sometimes, and the amount of stories never stops building up. Watched KangXi yesterday and one of the guests actually said our group (she was an ex-member of a very not famous group) got disbanded with tonnes of backstabbing and fights among ourselves. Was simply astonished by her boldness, as I will never say something like that although things like that have been going on like forever. I blame people, or rather it's my own fault for being so information-less, without some of my friends, I might still be hovering in my Uni enrolment page, panicking... I do admit that we fought before, but we did pull through until now, and I hope for the best for our friendship to last

Being really disturbed on FB due to "I" issues as I was too way behind of some other people, when I first entered as a "J". i knew exactly what's awaiting me already, but it does hurt everytime... Nonetheless, there's still chance for us who let our opportunity slipped last year

Truthfully enough, I blame nobody now, as we were brought up in an environment where information is not to be shared, I don't mean everyone here, there's still considerate people around me who are willing to share secrets, information and other things with me whom I thank them wholeheartedly. Anyways, most who share things with me so far lost their opportunities of getting "I" too, so we might just be more alert throughout this whole year to grab our chance when it comes :)

Anyway, happy new year everyone

PS: Linn does look more pro having her hair bundled up together

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